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"Projects Development Manager"

Eng. Mohammad Al-Hanandeh currently holds the position of projects development manager at the Lacrima Dairy Company. In 2016 he held the position of Electrical Site Engineer at Sadeen Contracting Company Limited. He held the position of Operation and Maintenance Manager (Jan 2016 - Jun 2020).

In addition to his experience in Jordan, Eng. Al Hanandeh gained comprehensive international experience through traveling and working in different countries such as Bulgaria, Turkey, Italy, UAE, and more. This expanded his extensive knowledge and experience within the Lacrima team.

Eng. Al-Hanandeh holds the position of Projects Development Manager in Bulgaria and in turn contributes to developing and improving dairy processing lines. He is working on expanding and diversifying the production of Lacrima products and following up on the factory expansion procedures and all the works and procedures involoved in the projects.

Eng. Al-Hanandeh  helped establish the Lacrima factory in Jordan in 2016. He has achieved tangible successes throughout his career at Lacrima, notably through the enhancement of factory production lines within maintenance, factory management , and projects management. He is committed to high professional project management standards and oversees a projects development team with a dedicated approach that reflects the harvest of his experience in modern administrative leadership methods.

Eng. Al-Hanandeh has communication skills, along with human resource management, logistical, analytical, time management skills, management skills, and team management skills, enabling him to interact optimally with various work teams at Lacrima's factory. Eng. Al-Hanandeh prioritizes supplier relationships, contributing to the expansion of the suppliers for the dairy processing line.

Eng. Al-Hanandeh has long and extensive experience in project management, machine maintenance, logistics, and accounting costs. Eng. Al-Hanandeh holds a B.Sc. Degree in Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering from the University of Jordan (2016). Eng. Mohammad also holds some professional certifications (PMP, PPM …etc.).

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