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"Supply Chain Manager"

Mechanical Engineer who carries both high-level certificates in Certified International Supply Chain Management (CISCM), & Certified Professional Project Management PMP. Meera has proven success in developing and implementing supply chain plans and managing several high-value supply chain projects. 

With an impressive professional track record of achievements, Meera occupied several managerial and strategic positions in many semi-governmental & private sector companies specialized in providing transportation, solar energy, industrial & contracting services.

Meera is recognized for being a reliable supply chain manager with extensive experience guiding a vision for success through optimized operations and resource allocation. Analytical leader who increases material quality while reducing costs of production. Punctual professional focused on on-time, accurate project delivery. Meera is also known as an esteemed negotiator and communicator; she is known for her ability to effectively build and maintain strong relationships with local and international parties.

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